E - Elastic Search
L - Logstash
K - Kibana
Brief info on Elastic Search, Kibana, Logstash and Elastic STack Utilities
- Installation and configuring
- Deploy to Windows and Linux
- Realtime Log and resource Data -
- Event alerting system via email.
Centralized Logging with the Elastic Stack
- What is the Elastic Stack ?
The Elastic Stack is a suite of tools developed by the Elastic company, best known for
the distributed NoSQL document database Elasticsearch.
Elastic Stack tools : -
- Logstash
- Kibana
- The beats Utilities
- Open Source
ELK - Highly scalable, built in search, aggregation, and sharding.
Used by Microsoft Azure, Wordpress, and Stack Exchange.
What is the LogStash ?
- Aggregates, filters and supplements log data.
- Forwards altered logs to Elasticsearch.
- Sending logs directly to Elasticsearch without Logstash can lead to inconsistent data.
What is the Kibana
- Web-based front-end
- Works easily with Elasticsearch for charts, graphs, and visualizing data.
- Free from the Elastic company
What is the Beats?
- Small, lightweight utilities for reading logs from a variety of sources. Usually sends data to Logstash.
- Filebeat : Text log files.
- Metricbeat : OS and applications.
- Packetbeat : Network monitoring
- Winlogbeat : Windows Event log
- Libbeat : Write your own
Configuring Elastic Search
$ cat /etc/issue.net
$apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless
$ java -version
Install Elastic search
get the package into pkg directory
$mkdir elkpackage
$cd package
$~/pkg# wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.0.0.deb
Install using dpkg tool
$~/pkg# dpkg -i elasticsearch-5.0.0.deb
$nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml or $ vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
cusster.name :globo-monitoring
network.host :
$service elasticsearch start
We can test to make sure the cluster is running by issuing a basic curl command on the listening IP
$ curl
By default elasticsearch runs on port 9200, so we append that to any API calls we make, and our result looks great.
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