Ant Tasks
- Overview1m
- Compile Tasks
- Archive Tasks
- File Tasks6m
- JavaDoc Tasks
- Property Tasks
- Version Control Tasks
- JUnit Tasks
- Mail Tasks
- Remote Tasks
- XML Tasks
Ant Elements
- PatternSet
- DirSet
- FileSet
- FileList
- FileMapper
- identity - Target filename identical to source filename.
- flatten - Directory structure is flattened.
- merge - Target filename is the same for all source files.
- glob - Glob matching used on files.
- regexp - Regular expression matching used on files.
- package - Based on Java package of source files.
- FilterReader
- FilterReader
- files
- directories
stripjavacomments - Removes java comments from .java files.
striplinecomments - Removes user-defined comment lines.
striplinebreaks - Removes end-of-line characters.
classconstants - Outputs name/value pairs of constants in class files. Requires the
BCEL library in the classpath.
tabstospaces - Replaces tabs with a given number of spaces.
headfilter - Returns only the top given number of lines.
tailfilter - Returns only the bottom given number of lines.
linecontains - Copies only lines containing a given string.
linecontainsregexp - Copies only lines matching a regexp.
prefixlines - Adds a string to the beginning of every line.
expandproperties - Expands Ant properties.
- FilterChain
- Selectors
- date
- present
- size
- contains
- containsregexp
- depend
- depth
- different
- type
- modified
- signedselector
- scriptselector
- readable
- writable
- Selector Containers --
- and
- or
- not
- none
- ClassFileSet
- Paths
- Listeners
- Build Started
- Build finished
- Target Started
- Target finished
- Task started
- Task finished
- Message logged
- Loggers
- DefaultLogger
- NoBannerLogger
- TimestampedLogger
- BigProjectLogger
- SimpleBigProjectLogger
- ProfileLogger
- AnsiColorLogger
- MailLogger
- Log4jListener
- XmlLogger
Full Example using ANT
- End to End Build
- Init - Initialize properties.
- Record - log the entire process
- prepare - create build and report directories
- Fetch the source code
- Compile the code
- Test with Junit
- Build a WAR file
- Deploy - FTP to the remote server
- SendMail - zip up reports and email.
- Building a Skeleton
- Defining Properties
- The Init Task
- Starting and Stopping Logging.
- The Prepare Task
- Fetching the Source Code.
- Compiling
- Testing With Junit
- Building the WAR File
- Deploying
- Sending Email Reports
- Running the Example
Extending ANT
- Apache Ant Core
- Custom Tasks
- Custom Event Listeners ( Build STarted/Ended Target Started/Ended - Task Started/ended - Message Logged)
- Alter Tasks
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