Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Docker Cheet Sheet

Docker Cheat Sheet with examples

$ docker run -v /host/directory:/container/directory image_name command_to_run

$ docker run -d -it -v /usr/kishore/main_folder:/test_container ubuntu /bin/bash 

  docker run --name myjenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/jenkins_home jenkins

To delete a Container?

$ docker rm container_id

To show running Containers. With -a option, it shows running and stopped Containers.

$ docker ps

To show Container information like IP adress.

$ docker inspect container_id

Pull a base image.

$ docker pull ubuntu

To create a Container.

$ docker run -d -it ubuntu /bin/bash

To stop a Container.

$ docker stop container_id

To restart a Container.

$ docker restart container_id

To Connect to a running Container.

$ docker attach container_id

To copy a file from a container to the host, you can use the command

$ docker cp containerId:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target

Copying files from host to docker container

$ docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txt

$ docker cp mycontainer:/foo.txt foo.txt

How to mount host directory in docker container?

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